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ALE Armchair by Alessandro Ciffo from the 'Iperbolica' Collection (2011, photos by Emilio Tremolada) - Copyright©: Alessandro Ciffo, Emilio Tremolada

IPERBOLICA Collection Armchairs by Alessandro Ciffo

The IPERBOLICA Collection of Armchairs (2011) is the latest in a series of armchairs that Alessandro Ciffo started designing/creating since 2008 while experimenting with silicone as a raw material. In total, the Collection consists of 11 armchairs, each of them being unique. The first 10 chairs are dedicated/named after a …

SARAH'S FURNITURE Collection - Graffiti-Painting-Artwork on Furniture by artist DUDEMAN (2012) - Copyright©: Dudeman (Nicholas Sinclair)

SARAH’s FURNITURE and more by Canadian graffiti artist Dudeman

Sarah is a little girl whose parents decided to give her a beautiful new room, so they commissioned the Toronto-based graffiti artist Dudeman to do his “magic” on her bedroom furniture. You can see the amazing and refreshing transformation he achieved in this utterly uplifting and playful set of 3 …